• South Ridge Ranch 7-Day Dry-Cured Bacon:

    Curing Process: In the 7 to 10 day dry curing method, bacon is coated with a mixture of salt, sugar, and additional spices, herbs and flavors. This mixture is rubbed onto the meat's surface, and the bacon is then placed in a controlled environment for the duration of the curing process. During this time, the curing mixture draws out moisture and enhances flavor. Flavor and Texture: Dry-cured bacon has a more concentrated and intense flavor compared to store-bought bacon. The longer curing time allows the flavors to develop and penetrate the meat, resulting in a unique and often richer taste. The texture can be slightly firmer and less watery due to the reduced moisture content.

    Customization: The dry-curing process offers more room for customization. Additional ingredients like maple syrup, herbs, spices, or even a touch of smokiness can be incorporated during the curing, creating a wide range of flavor options.

    Artisanal Approach: Dry-cured bacon is often associated with artisanal or small-batch production. The process requires attention to detail and expertise, making it a preferred choice for those seeking a more hands-on and traditional bacon experience.

  • Mass Produced Store-Bought Bacon:

    Curing Process: Store-bought bacon is usually wet-cured, which involves injecting the meat with a curing solution that contains salt, sugar, and nitrites. The bacon is then quickly processed and packaged for sale. This wet curing method is faster and more efficient for large-scale production.

    Flavor and Texture: Store-bought bacon tends to have a milder and more consistent flavor. The wet curing process doesn't allow the flavors to develop as intensely as in dry-cured bacon. The texture is often softer and can release more moisture when cooked.

    Mass Production: Due to the efficient curing process, store-bought bacon is often produced on a larger scale and is widely accessible to consumers.

  • In summary, the primary differences between the South Ridge Ranch 7 to 10 day dry-cured bacon and store-bought bacon are in the curing process, flavor profile, and customization options. Dry-cured bacon offers a more intense and unique flavor experience, often associated with artisanal craftsmanship, while store-bought bacon is convenient and widely available with a milder flavor.

  • Yes, we use nitrites in the production of our bacon. This is an essential ingrediant needed to turn pork bellies into bacon.

    Bacon that says nitrite free uses celery in the ingredient list. Celery creates nitrites, but is not as controlled as the process South Ridge Ranch uses. The USDA provides maximum and minimum usage of nitrites. This is not used when you buy ‘uncured’ bacon. Studies of “uncured” bacon has shown to have 3 times the nitrites.